Kamis, 13 Agustus 2020



Hello, welcome to my blog PAVLICK08.
Today I will explain about a very interesting and profitable platform for you, namely the ClipX platform.

ClipX is a platform that supports paid video platforms in the following areas:
  • Live Streaming
  • Video-on-Demand
  • Video hosting for further education, training, workshops, ideas and courses
  • Video conferencing
For personal and business users. Initially ClipX will be operated centrally in a later planned version as well as a decentralized one.

Pnyone can make and watch videos for free or for a fee. offered at a fixed price or by subscription, and everyone is the boss of the ClipX platform. Your video design will be distributed worldwide with the distribution of benefits that are much fairer than other platforms.

Pembelajaran dan pengetahuan
Pada tahun 2020 ini hampir setiap negara memiliki akses internet yang membuat semua orang mudah membangun bisnis online, mempelajari keterampilan baru bahkan mengajari orang. ada banyak mentor dan flatporm yang mempertemukan keduanya.
lalu apa bedanya clipx dengan platform lain? kami menawrkan platform yang memungkinkan untuk menonton video dengan mudah. yang dapat di tonton di tv, tablet, ponsel cerdas dan dekstop. selain itu, vidoe dapat di bayar dengan mata uang kriptoatau dengan mata uang fiat.

Biggest problem with popular centralized video platforms
  1. Paid video maker is not paid fairly and there is no added value for the maker
  2. Makers spend a lot of time at unfair pay
  3. Platforms still receive most opinions
  4. Makers couldn't keep up with their passions
  5. Customers only use platform services.
Solution from the ClipX platform:
  1. Fair payment
  2. Platforms accept less and less like video maker
  3. Makers can follow their passions
  4. Customers have the opportunity to win back the money invested

The features of the ClipX platform differ from other platforms as follows:
  • User and Mentor
    There are 2 types of people on this platform
    The cliper is the mentor or the video maker and clickers or customers or users
  • Payments
    We offer the following payment options:
    ClipX tokens, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and many more.
  • Reviews and Comments
    Clickers can assess various aspects of the video. such as quality, audio, and content. Clickers can also request specific calls to clipers and can relate to other clickers.
  • Advertising
    The clickers can decide to see the ad or not if the clicker sees the ad the video price is cheaper.
ClipX token details :
  1. Pre sale: 58 million tokens
  2. Hard cap (main sale): 72 million tokens
  3. Token distributor: clipX GmbH (Germany)
  4. Token distribution: January 24th after claim
  1. Pre Sales
    July 15 - August 15
    0.125 € / token
  2. ICO Phase I
    August 16 - August 24
    0.145 € / token
  3. ICO Phase II
    August 25 - September 02
    0.155 € / token
  4. ICO Phase III
    September 03 - September 15
    0.1725 € / token
Unsold tokens will be burned and no further CXC token production will be made.

Token distribution estimates
  • Pre sale: 36.25%
  • Major token sales: 45%
  • Reserves: 10%
  • Team and researchers: 3.75%
  • Marketing and bounty: 5%
Distribution of funding
  • Product development: 22%
  • Business development: 20%
  • Laws and regulations: 12%
  • Marketing: 38%
  • Employees: 8%
This platform is very helpful and profitable for video creators and users of this platform. because everything in this platform is their own boss. All payments on this platform are paid fairly and do not harm the creators and users.

For more information :

Author: Pavlick08
Eth: 0x28cBDbAD38a83471e13b5C71Cb823B5b1a14f216

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