Rabu, 07 Juli 2021

zkTube ( Best Layer2 environment for payment network )

As a “blockchain + finance” pioneer, the DeFi boom that started in mid to late June last year has gone through a cooling period of roughly three months from September to November in the fall, and is already taking shape. at the end of the year. The yearly circle of years has passed an incredible 2020, and the world of blockchain in 2021 will continue to be a leader in era-making innovation led by DeFi liquidity mining. Currently, the number of DeFi users is only a million levels, but with the rapid increase in the definition of various DeFi categories,various fields are spurring development and evolution.

As we all know, Ethereum 1.0 mainnet attracts a lot of applications to build on it based on its strong consensus and security. However, along with the development of the overall ecology, the high delay and high cost of GAS became the biggest obstacle to its growth in turn. While the deployment of Eth2.0 is still taking several years to complete, and the scalability improvements underlying Ethereum are yet to be tested, a Layer2 capacity expansion scheme has been proposed at an opportune time.

On March 24, 2021, Uniswap, the world's largest encrypted spot exchange, released an official document to introduce its V3 version. Today, Uniswap has become one of DeFi's key infrastructures, enabling developers, traders and fluidity providers to participate in a secure and stable blockchain financial market.

Centralized liquidity to allow individual LPs to precisely control the distributed price range of their capital. Collect individual positions into a single pool to form a composite curve for user trading.

Adopting multi-level filling, allows LPs to access appropriate compensation by assuming different levels of risk.

Both zkTube and zksync are designed based on zkrollup proposal, which aim to Zk Rollup technology was put forward by Barry Whitehat on Github as the [Rollup] concept in an attempt to expand the Ethereum with [SNARK]. Later, Vitalik improved and supplemented this proposal and then released it on Twitter. During this period, all kinds of teams around the world also made different attempts on the rollup technology, and various rollups technologies, such as Optimistic Rollup and zkrollup, were developed.

All protocols built based on zkrollup are facing three core problems as below:

  • Long time consumption problem of zero-knowledge proof
  • Compression processing problem of zero-knowledge proof
  • Support general contractual problems

Technology improvement of zkTube

  • Bulk packaging and state root isolation

ZkTube separates the process of submitting batch to Layer2 for trading and of submitting the state root by the way of independent bulk packaging.

Different from the previous ways, zkTube separates batches, sorts them by time, and then proves, verifies, and updates the root state when these batches are submitted to layer 1 of Ethereum. In this way, operators can submit multiple batches at once, and multiple operators can also submit different batches simultaneously. The advantages of this way are to :

allow multiple sorters to release batches simultaneously to increase the passing rate of review, avoiding the problems of some batches being packaged firstly and others batches becoming invalid.

In case that a state root is invalid, we can only roll back the state root, instead of rolling back the entire batch, and wait for a new state root of such batch provided by others. This ensures that transactions of the transaction sender will not be rolled back.

  • Operator’s audit mechanism

Optimization based on PLONK algorithm

The zero-knowledge proof PLONK algorithm is adopted by zkTube on layer 2. From the theoretical perspective, STARKs algorithm, the safest algorithm, is calculated completely based on the hash value and information theory, instead of relying on the assumption of matching and exponential knowledge, which is also resistant to quantum computer attacks. It accordingly increases the number of proof bytes, from 288 bytes (b) to thousands of bytes (kb), which is not suitable for zkTube to build the general Layer 2 protocol. Secondly, the biggest problem of STARKs is that it is not universal. Different arithmetical schemes are required for different problems or scenarios. It is not practical for zkTube for now. It might be a good choice if applying it on the Layer 2 sharding technology after Ethereum 2.0 is launched in the future.

Tutorial Pengujian Jaringan zkTube Rinkeby

  1. Connect to the Wallet
    Step 1: Enter the zkTube official website: https://zktube.io/, click “My wallet” or “Connect to a wallet” to get into the wallet homepage;
    Step 2: After choosing the Rinkeby test network,click “Connect to a wallet” to continue;
    Step 3: For the time being, only MetaMask is supported on the testnet,if the MetaMask plugin is not installed, please refer to step 4; If the plugin has been installed, please skip to step 5;
    Step 4: Click “install Metamask”, jump to Google Chrome to install the MetaMask plugin;
    Step 5: Choose the created wallet, click “Next”, and sign the selected wallet;
    Step 6:If the signature is successful, then the wallet can be used to Deposit, Transfer, and Withdraw.
  2. Deposit Process
    Step 1: Click “Deposit”,select the type of the token;
    Step 2: After entering the quantity, click “Deposit” and confirm the order in MetaMask. If successful, it will jump to the Transactions directory;
    Step 3: View the Deposit records and details.
  3. Transfer Process
    Step 1: Fill in To address and quantity (please be noted that the To address is an Ethereum address that supports deposit and withdraw), and click “Transfer” to request MetaMask to confirm the order;
    Step 2: After the order is confirmed, it will successfully jump to the Transactions directory;
    Step 3:View the Transfer records and details.
  4. Withdraw Process
    Step 1: Fill in To address and quantity (please be noted that the To address is an Ethereum address that supports deposit and withdraw), and click “Withdraw” to request MetaMask to confirm the order;
    Step 2: After the order is confirmed, it will successfully jump to the Transactions directory;
    Step 3:View the Withdraw records and details.
That's an explanation from me about zkTube that might make you believe that zkTube is very profitable for you in the future for payment.

For more information please click the link below :

Author : Pavlick08
Eth : 0x28cBDbAD38a83471e13b5C71Cb823B5b1a14f216

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